The rope world is filled with considerate and friendly people, but among us are the rare few who have no regard for others. This hall of shame is dedicated to an even smaller handful whose bad faith behavior toward the Kinbakunomicon has marked them for special attention. |
Yokai_nawa is the first to earn this special moment of appreciation. He runs an Instagram account that spams old bondage photos and illustrations. Cause: For prolonged strip mining of this site, my kinbakunomicon IG account, and my _feeyo_ IG account, and for ignoring my request for credit on my translations, and then blocking me and continuing to farm images after I asked him to stop. Effect: Removal of articles and pictures from this site. The story so far: Yokai_nawa started his climb to his spot in this hall of shame in April 2023 when he messaged me on IG and suggested a collaboration. Here is a snapshot of the relevant part of the conversation:
So everything started off well. Then I slowly began to notice that he was posting a steady trickle of images from this site and from my _feeyo_ IG account. Sometimes he would send me a message about it or occasionally credit my IG account, but often he wouldn't give credit at all. I don't own the copyright on most of the pictures, so it wasn't a big issue. It was creepy, but I wasn't going to say anything. Well, I didn't say anything until he posted 6 pages from one of my translations and posted it with no credit. So I posted a reply letting everyone know. He deleted it.
Why delete it? So I asked him:
Weird. But I played nice and let it go. My mistake. He continued to post more translations without credit. Overall, his credits were random. He didn't seem to care if he credited or not, even after I asked him to credit my work. Finally, in June, I felt he had taken enough, so I messaged him:
He blocked me. He continued to take from my site and IG account.
He credits me when I can't message him or directly see his account? Well, he didn't actually say he would stop taking. So what could I do? I decided to remove my translations and galleries from this site. I added a note that Yokai_nawa was the cause. A few days later he unblocks me and sends me this message:
He said he would stop! But, no, he just blocked me again and reposted one of the last few images left in the resources section here.
Conclusion: Well, this gave me an excuse for a server update, so I took down the galleries and removed a large number of articles. Now, a month later (August 9th), just before I make the pages available to everyone again, I check IG to find Yokainawa has reposted one of my personal photos (taken of an Ito photo set published in Yoki magazine) from my Kinbakunomicon IG account. Of course, he copies the text from Nawapedia, another site I run. You can see it here: ![]()
He has decided not to stop his creepy bad faith behavior, so I have created a Hall of Shame. Congratulations yokai_nawa! Your hard work has earned the prestigious first Kinbakunomicon Hall of Shame award!